A Mindful Moment With Notes To Strangers

This season, we’ve teamed up with @notestostrangers (also known as Andy Leek) to add a hit of confidence to incoming winter days with his famous phrases of positivity. After starting the project in 2015, Andy's guerilla-style artwork resonated with absolutely *everyone* who spotted his notes around the London streets – it was only right we tapped into his words of modern-day wisdom just in time for World Mental Health Day. Here he tells us more about his artwork, inspiration and the beginning of his viral graphics.

Why did Notes to Strangers get started?

The idea for notes came from my own experience of going through a mental health problem that stemmed from working too hard, being too stressed, and burning the candle at both ends – an all too familiar story in London. Originally, I made small handwritten cards that I hid in copies of the Metro and left on the seats for people to discover. But that soon evolved into street art posters, pasted all over the electrical boxes of London.

Where was your first poster? What did it say?

The first poster read ‘you can always start again'. When I began, I used to stick my work up near art galleries, because I assumed art lovers would see it and be more likely to engage. It also had the nice side effect that people would include my posters on their Instagram posts about their visits to the Tate. So, to people online, it looked like my work was already in world-famous galleries.

Do you have a favourite mantra (yours or otherwise)?

One of my favourite notes of all time is ‘everyone is winging it.' It gives me comfort when I’m trying to do something difficult and I'm not sure exactly how I’m going to do it – that winging it, is the only way. 

Who do you find inspiring, creatively?

Stand-up comedians are excellent sources of inspiration as they are constantly searching for – then sharing  – untold truths. There is many a note inspired by the truth underlying a brilliantly written joke. I also recently rewatched the documentary about Alexander McQueen, reminding me what a genius he was.

What do you hope people take away from your notes?

I hope that my notes make a positive difference to people's days, even if it's a teeny -tiny amount. If I can make them feel a little bit more hopeful, more upbeat or less alone, even for half a moment, then all my efforts are worth it.

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Want to do good *and* look great this World Mental Health Day?

Give your everyday mindset it’s very own personal shield with our collection of coats to keep you thinking warm thoughts. In partnership with mental health charity Mind, every sale of our selected style  will donate £2 to support their work making sure that no-one faces mental health challenges alone.