Meet The Furry Islanders
Our brand new collection of dog clothes and accessories is here - and in them, your pooch is going to win best in show! The on-trend raincoats, monogram jumpers and leashes have been modelled by none other than our very own Furry Islanders and with all this exposure, we think they’re about to hit the big time. Before they get too big to slot us into their calendars, we thought we’d grab them for a quick-fire interview. Get to know the adorable faces of the collection…
Name: Scrapper
Nickname(s): Doo Bug
Personality: Outgoing/cheeky
Favourite thing to do: Ballie (throw the ball, throw the ball!)
Favourite treat: Carrots
Favourite toy: O’ Seal (stuffed grey seal with no eyes)
Naughtiest thing they’ve ever done: Tried to eat the family rabbit!
Best thing about them: Very loyal and loving to his hoomans
Tell us a funny story: On walks he picks the most disgusting things to roll or lie in and on this occasion he decided to rub his face and body in a stagnant stinky puddle and we were right by the car park after a long walk. As we got to the car, Scrapper ran and jumped in the open door and shook on the back seat. It needed a full valet afterwards. He has a knack for knowing when to shake to cause the most damage to those around him.
Name: Simba
Nickname(s): Simby, Simb, Stinky Bum
Personality: Excitable, loving and a bit of a wimp
Favourite thing to do: Walkies!
Favourite treat: Dentastix, peas and cucumber
Favourite toy: Antler bone
Naughtiest thing they’ve ever done: Chewing the skirting boards in the hallway when teething and stealing Daddy’s family sized bag of skittles and eating them all!
Best thing about them: How loveable and well behaved he is, and when he’s listening he looks cute with his floppy ear!
Tell us a funny story: When we first collected him as a puppy, he was obviously used to feeding from his doggy mummy and when we brought him home, he was having a cuddle in bed with Daddy and tried to feed from his nipple instead!
Name: Olive
Nickname(s): Angel or Devil Dog depending…
Personality: Wild, brave, fun & loving
Favourite thing to do: Play with her Furriends & long walks
Favourite treat: Chicken
Favourite toy: T-Rex teddy & squeaky ball
Naughtiest thing they’ve ever done: When she was around 3-4months she went through a real naughty streak whilst she was teething and she ripped quite a few of my clothes. Once she ripped my sleeve off my t-shirt whilst we were on a walk… it wasn’t a River Island one thankfully! She also dug a hole under the fence and into next door’s garden so she could play with their dog.
Best thing about them: She makes me laugh every day!
Tell us a funny story: She does a really cute low growl/purr/weird Chewbacca noise when she gets really excited. She does a bum wiggle and that noise everytime she sees me and it just melts my heart.
Name: Paddy
Nickname(s): Plushy
Personality: Funny, sneaky, greedy, cuddly
Favourite thing to do: Give kisses!
Favourite treat: Yak bones
Favourite toy: A squeaky ball
Naughtiest thing they’ve ever done: Climbed up onto the bin and pulled it over so that the contents went all over the floor... he had a good root through!
Best thing about them: He is full of love and affection for us and everyone he meets and is such a loyal, funny little guy.
Tell us a funny story: Paddy has learnt, after a few trips, where the dog bones are at the local garden centre and last time we took him we didn’t notice until we got outside that he was carrying around a huge dog bone in his mouth the whole time!
Name: Figgy and Whompy
Nickname(s): Figtoria & Mr.Kins (from Whompykins)
Personality: Figgy is the ultimate diva. We live our life by her rules, but in return she is the most loving dog in the world. Whompy is either off or on. One second he’s curling up for a nap on my lap and the next he’s sprinting round the house chasing Figgy.
Favourite treat: This one is easy… CHICKEN!
Best thing about them: Figgy is probably the most loving dog in the world, she loves to give kisses and curl up next to me for a nap. Anyone that gets to know her must be prepared for face licks. Whompy is VERY playful and is always a source of entertainment. Luckily his high energy keeps Figgy occupied. Best decision ever to get two dogs.
Tell us a funny story: I was re-organising the fridge and noticed that the dogs were being uncharacteristically quiet. I went into the living room to find Figgy under the coffee table with a WHOLE chicken breast! She had managed to sneak into the fridge and somehow take the chicken out of its container. After wrestling it off her I went back to the kitchen to find Whompy trotting off with the other chicken breast! I keep a closer eye on them round chicken these days.