Skin by Lottie’s AM to PM Beauty Routine

With the nights drawing in and the temperature dropping, autumn is the perfect time to switch up your beauty routine. If you’re looking to up your ante when it comes to skincare, we’re here to help. A beauty PR by day and skin enthusiast by night @skinbylottie has shared her AM to PM routine as the mercury drops.

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When the weather starts to get colder, I add in hydrating and radiant serums and oils, to keep my summer glow for as long as possible. These also keep my under eyes and lips super plump and hydrated.

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As the season changes, I keep my under eyes hydrated using the Oh K! Eye Mask. For super plump and hydrated lips, I swear by the Revolution Vanilla Sleeping Mask.

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In cooler weather, I always switch to a creamier hydrating cleanser like the Aurelia Balance & Purify Citrus Cleanser. This doesn’t strip my skin and keeps my complexion clear! Post cleanse, I love to use the super hydrating Aurelia Revitalise & Glow Serum, plus a Gallinée Face Oil to help my skin when it’s windy and cold.

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