If you find that your promotion code isn't working, please check the below:
You can only use one discount/promo code per order. This applies to our free delivery codes too.
Discount/promo codes cannot be used for gift vouchers or for any delivery charges.
As our discount/promo codes vary, so do the terms and conditions of each. Make sure you check when you receive any codes as some may only be valid for certain items and the majority of codes will have an expiry date. You should be able to find the terms and conditions in the same place you found the code whether it be through an email or on our website. Check out our T&Cs for more information.
Some codes will only work for specific people or for specific countries. The terms and conditions will state if the code can only be used in a certain country. If you've received the code in an email from River Island, the code may also be locked to that email address. Make sure you're trying to use the code using the River Island account with the same email address as the one to which we sent the code.
If your discount code is still not working after checking all of the above, please contact us and one our Customer Services Team can help you further.