Currently we are unable to make amendments to orders, but you may be able to cancel your order and place a new one instead.
If you have changed your mind and want to cancel your order, we now offer a cancellation self-service, but you need to be quick. You have a limited amount of time after placing your order to cancel it depending on the delivery option you’ve selected.
To cancel your order:
- Log in to your account
- Go to ‘My orders’
- Select the order you want to cancel
- Click the ‘Cancel order’ link underneath the tracking details
- Select your reason for cancellation and click the ‘Cancel Order’ button
- You’ll get a message to confirm if your cancellation was successful and the order status will change to ‘Cancelled’
- If you do not see the ‘Cancel Order’ link, we’re sorry but it’s too late for us to cancel your order.
Don’t worry, you can still return your items for a full refund. Please see the Returns page for more details.