Learn how to dye your hair at home like a pro and jazz up your regrowth without regret. Instead of doing something drastic like a big chop, why not give your hair the colour treatment instead? Brighten up your barnet in any colour of the rainbow with semi-permanent hair dye and this handy DIY guide by Shrine founder Jenna Meek. Follow her step by step instructions to help you transform your lockdown locks before you’re reunited with your hairdresser. Jenna uses her own Shrine Drop It dye kit but you can easily follow her at home hair dye tips using your own supplies!
Make sure you have everything set out and to hand before you begin to avoid a panic halfway through! Cover your shoulders with a towel to protect your clothes and have a mirror close by to see what you’re doing throughout.
If you’re using the Shrine Drop It kit, fill your bowl with conditioner up to the line. If you’re not then fill your bowl with enough conditioner to cover your whole head.
The amount of dye you add to the conditioner depends on the final colour you’re after. If you like the pastel look add less hair dye but if you’re seeking the brighter side of life add more. With the Drop It kit, 6 drops create a pastel finish and 30 a more saturated look. To use the Drop It pipette, squeeze the top while the tube is still in the bottle and then squeeze again to release. Be careful when releasing the drops as the harder you squeeze the bigger the drops.
Mix the drops into the conditioner using the Shrine jelly fish brush tool. Make sure these are properly mixed together before you start applying the dye to your hair. If you’re not using the kit then a hair tint brush works just as well!
Dampen your hair all over using a spray bottle. Applying dye to damp hair causes less damage than on dry – even if you’re using semi-permanent dye.
It’s time to put your gloves on! Section your hair into manageable pieces and apply your dye mixture evenly all over.
If you’re using the Drop It kit, set your timer to 10 minutes. For all other hair dye brands please follow their developing instructions.
After the set time, rinse off with just warm water as shampoo and conditioner will wash the semi-permanent dye out immediately and fade the colour. You don’t want all your hard work to be for nothing.