Bank holiday feels

Bank holiday feels

The next (and last!) bank holiday of 2019 is just one week away and we couldn’t be more ready for that extra day off. There’s just something we love about bank holidays! They usually (always) creep up on us, in the best kind of way - it’s like surprise annual leave. And we all love surprises. So whether you’ve planned a last minute long weekend to make the most of the August weather, are planning on going out out with your girls or laying low and getting some much-needed R&R, these are the bank holiday feels we can all relate to…

The realisation...

Wait, we’re off? Next Monday? This is brand new information.

The panic planning…

The group chat is about to go off. Are we going out out? Brunch? Carnival? Someone make a decision!

The last-minute cramming…

Forget early finish Friday, you’ve got loose ends to tie up so you can put that out of office on in peace.

The outfit struggle…

Like we needed an excuse for a new outfit…

The excitement…

We love when a plan comes together. Time to get away/ go out out/ hibernate.

The confusion…

Is it Sunday? Is it Monday? Why didn’t we turn our alarms off? Our heads hurt.

The reality…

Time flies when you’re off work, right? Back to the grind we go (and writing the date wrong all day. Fail.)

Bank holiday plans?

Roll on 2020’s bank holidays!