5 kids, 5 dream recipes

From pancakes to cupcakes, and burgers to Bolognese, these little ones are telling us how they think their favourite foods are cooked. And from what they’ve said, we have a feeling we might have just discovered the next generation of master chefs

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“Pancakes! Pancakes are made by getting pancake mixture, putting some water in up to the line in the bottle. You shake it up for one minute or more, and then put it on the pan and cook it up and flip it a few times.

Don’t forget to put the oil in!

Then take it off and put it on the plate so you can eat it.”


“I like to make cupcakes. We put rice krispies on them and then sprinkles.

And dinosaur cookies. I roll them out, then cut into dinosaur shapes and then I put them in the oven.”


“I choose cake!

You get eggs, milk, then you mix it all together and then you put it in the oven. Then you put whatever you want on your cake.

You then cut it into slices and then you eat.” 


“Burgers! You put meat in it, then you put the bottom thing on it and then on the top. I have cheese and barbecue sauce on my burger.”


“Bolognese and cookies. I’m going to start with the cookies first. We get the dough and put it in the oven and then we take a love heart cookie cutter.

For Bolognese, we get put the pasta in a pan and boil it and then you put the sauce on top.