Anti-resolutions with Jade Mordente
Name three things about yourself that you love?
I love that I am sensitive and intuitive. I love my curly hair. And it’s taken me a really, really long time to get to this point, but I also love my body.
As a tarot reader, what would you like to manifest for yourself this year in your personal and work life?
I would love to manifest more confidence so that I can take that learning and create something that will have a positive effect on people’s lives in the long-term. I love seeing spiritual and mindful practices becoming recognised as tools for mental health, and I definitely want to be a part of making that even more accessible in 2022.
Personally, I just got engaged and we are also saving to get on the property ladder, so I’d say I’m manifesting financial security this year.
What sparked joy in your life in 2021, that you hope to do more of?
I spent a lot of quality time with my partner, family and friends in 2021, more than I’ve ever noticed before and I loved it. We did more things like wild camping on the beach, weekends away and big hikes in nature.
What lessons from 2021 are you bringing into 2022?
The biggest lesson for me was learning not to sweat the small stuff. I spent so much time last year worrying about silly things that in hindsight really didn’t matter. I’ve made a habit of asking myself, “is this really going to have a significant impact on my life or will this not matter by next month?” If the answer is no, then I do my best to let it go.
My second biggest lesson was in the power of acceptance. This year taught me to accept the things that didn’t work out and find the positives in the life lessons the situation taught me.
What can we do to feel more mindful and positive about the year ahead?
There can be so much pressure in January to map out these huge goals for the year ahead, and while that can be motivating and exciting, it can equally feel overwhelming. To take that pressure off, I think it’s worth remembering that every day we are creating our future self, and the best results are going to come from the small, subtle habits. My advice would be to use January to establish the daily routines your future self will thank you for.
Tell us about a new discovery you made in 2021 that you’ll continue in 2022
2021 was the first year I bought an astro-diary to map out my work days and I don’t think I could go without it now. You get daily moon updates and information about how planetary shifts might be affecting you – which can come in really handy when you are having a bit of an off day.
We’re always looking for recommendations. Who do you turn to online for inspiration and motivation?
I get a lot of my daily inspiration from spiritual wellness, mental health and self-love accounts. Creators like Megan Rose Lane, Alex Light and Jenna Zoe are a constant source of inspiration and empowerment in the content they share, alongside Stephanie Yeboah, Nelly London, Sophia Roe and Widya Soraya who talk openly and honestly about everything from childhood trauma to body positivity and self-acceptance.
What kind of person are you excited to become in 2022?
I am ready to become as authentically me as I can be. I don’t quite know what that looks like yet, but each year I feel I am becoming more and more at-home within myself.
You have spoken about changing the conversation surrounding mental health, what do you want the focus to be around it in 2022?
I think we can all fall into the belief that healing looks like a Pinterest-worthy bubble bath or candle-lit journaling session, but healing is also messy, raw and painful. I think we all need to get more comfortable with that side of mental wellness without it feeling “too much”.
In a world obsessed with 24/7 self-improvement, how do you protect your own mental health?
The biggest energy protector for me is limiting how much time I spend on my phone. I find a lot of benefit in muting any accounts that make me feel less-than and try to follow accounts that give me healthy perspectives. I keep up my spiritual self-care through cleansing my environment with herbs and crystals, checking in with my Tarot decks for advice and moving my body regularly.
Inspire our readers, share an affirmation or favourite quote revolving around mindfulness?
“What’s meant for me will always find me”