As the end of term draws near, you’ve probably got one thing and one thing only on your mind – summer holidays! Whether you’re jetting off to somewhere hot or staying put with a camping trip, one thing’s for sure, those six weeks off will fly by. There’s nothing worse than August rolling back around and realising you’ve got nothing prepared for the new school term, right? We’ve all been there! So to give you a little helping hand, we’ve put together our seven step guide to make sure that first Monday morning runs as smoothly (and tear free) as possible.
Pencil case, diary, water bottle, snack…the list goes on. Pack their bag the night before to avoid panic packing in the morning and forgetting a pen. Fail.
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Their bath, book and bed routine may have fallen by the wayside over summer, but it’s time to get them back on track (and asleep before 8pm!) Nobody wants a tantrum on day one…
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t’s the unwritten rule of mornings – don’t skip breakfast. Whether it’s a smoothie or PB on toast, they’ll need the energy to see them through (and we’ll need the caffeine.) Make ours a double espresso!
There’s no better feeling than putting on a fresh new uniform, is there? From white shirts and trousers to skirts and coats, who said uniforms had to be boring! And don’t forget to save time for their first day photos.
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We all remember rummaging around the lost property cupboard when we’d forgotten our sports bag, don’t we? It was never a good look. Spare them the embarrassment and make sure you note down their P.E days. Phew.
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“I can’t find my shoes!” – the words you hear every morning, usually five minutes before you need to leave to get to school on time. Great. Find them much easier with cute loafers and brogues.
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Their hair’s done, they’ve eaten, teeth are brushed, uniform is stain free (for now!) and shoes are firmly on. It’s a miracle. Just make sure you keep an eye on the time…