With the wedding of the year just round the corner (we’re looking at you Meghan and Harry), it’s got us thinking about the weddings we’ve attended and the types of people you find at them. Unfortunately our invite to the Royal Wedding must have got lost in the post, so for now we can only imagine what’s going to go down in Windsor town, but which of the below guests you think will be in attendance on the big day?
The Crier can always be spotted at a wedding. It’s not always clear as to whether they’re shedding tears of joy for the newlyweds or weeping over their own tumultuous love life.
Who doesn’t love a bit of free champagne? The Over-Indulger certainly does! Find them in the foetal position, hugging the toilet at the end of the night.
AKA The Last One On The Dancefloor. This person somehow knows the moves to every choreographed song and will stop for nothing! We envy their stamina.
Flitting from group to group, The Social Butterfly is everyone’s bestie. Since they’ve spent the whole night talking to everyone, they’ll also be going home with ALL of the gossip.
Are you attending a wedding this summer? Here’s what you should wear…